Wednesday, December 14, 2011

ABC Wednesday--"V" is for "very visible"

There are some days when I can do hip shots and not be seen, and others where I'm certain I might have been seen. I was far away from these ladies and this is a cropped photo taken with a wide angle, so I'm not sure they're really looking at me...or maybe they are. But how about that guy and the lady in the background? I think they may be looking at these fashionably dressed ladies...

Maybe I was Very Visible.

See other V's at ABC WEDNESDAY.


Lowell said...

Personally I think they were watching you carefully but being such elegant matrons, they were not going to say anything.

You do this kind of photo very well.

By the way, the guy on the right works for the American CIA!

Luis Gomez said...

Bibi it is a great shot! Love it!

Kathy said...

It would be nice to be inVISIBLE at such times, wouldn't it. Love street shots and this one is great!

Roger Owen Green said...

they be styling - and staring at YOU!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Gaelyn said...

Always enjoy your "hip shots".

Chubskulit Rose said...

Nice fashion.

Please come and see the Voyage of the Mermaid. Happy holidays!

Tash said...

Dressed to kill. And so serious too. Definitely haute couture. (I think you've been spotted. But as long as no one complains and we get to see your great shots, keep on trying to be inVisible.
I tried a hip shot at the PV mall - managed to get 1/2 a girl in from 5. I need hip-sharp shooting practice. I'm still getting mostly back shots.

Thérèse said...

Great shot! Anyway your picture is already visible on your blog.
Today I was friendly reminded by a policeman that photographing in a mall is forbidden since 9/11...

J e l e n a said...

Vivian Westwood now that is what comes to my mind.

Daryl said...

Seems as if everyone is looking at you .. but then thats the POV of this shot .. LOVE those very fashionable women

MaR said...

Great shot, love urban pictures :)

V is for verdigris

Oakland Daily Photo said...

I think they're all looking at you wondering why your camera is at your hip. LOL! But you got the shot.

Kim, USA said...

Haha since you are using a long wide angle lens who knows where they are looking. But what I can be sure of is this two fashion diva ladies. ^_^


photowannabe said...

Love your street shot. Your Divas are really quite stylish. Hip shots are so hip.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Oh I think you've definitely been spotted Bibi, but they don't seem to mind, I love it they look so very individual in style!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

These two are quite the style-mavens! Look at that red bag!


Anonymous said...

very serious and stylish

view of desert


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