Wednesday, March 23, 2011

ABC Wednesday "J" is for "Jazzy"

Tickling the ivories will never be the same on this jazzy piano I spotted in a music store in downtown Seattle...almost makes me want to take piano lessons.

See more J's at ABC WEDNESDAY.

No Belgrade posts for quite a while yet; am in US for a family matter.


Luis Gomez said...

The colors are really wild! Orange, green and yellow for a Steinway piano, wow!

Gaelyn said...

A little over the top for me. I'd go blind looking at all those bright colors.

Leif Hagen said...

Looks at those delicious keys! The colors!
I wonder what Mozart or Chopin would think?

VioletSky said...

Oh my, nothing staid about this piano!

Roger Owen Green said...

jazzy and snazzy!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Tumblewords: said...

Oh! Oh! How beautiful! Can you imagine that the sounds are different? :) A wonderful post!

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

tRULY?! tRULY IT LOOKED LIKE THAT? i LOVE dt sEATTLE! eYE CANDY IN ALL THE STORE WINDOWS. oops sorry about the caps said...

Wow! that is different!

btw, glad to hear about your writing.
; )

Olivier said...

j'ai jamais vu de Steinway comme celui la ;))

Wanda said...

When you said "jazzy" you wern't kidding... That is some bright colored keyboard... Bet it plays "jazzy" music too.

Andy said...

I hope it sounds as good as your photo looks.

Su-sieee! Mac said...

If I had a piano like that I'd want to learn to play it, too.

Lowell said...

I can't imagine doing that to a Steinway! Talk about gawdy. But, who knows, maybe it would be fun to play. You would need to wear sunglasses, though!

Hope that all is well with you and Mom!

Unknown said...

I shuddered when I saw it, Bibi. I'm with Jacob and Lois Anne, gawdy and I will add grotesque. I should not have watch the video Making of a Steinway before seeing this.
Helen Mac ABC Wednesday Team

Daryl said...

Awesome ...

Joy said...

It would look good in a Jazz club, but possibly not the thing to look at if one had a hangover.

Meryl said...

Absolutely! What a very cool piano!

Jilly said...

Imagine! I never thought I'd see a Steinway in colour. Incredible. Is it real?


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.