Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Riley waits

This is Riley, my son-in-law's dog. It's obvious that she loves to play ball, and is waiting patiently, dropping a big hint....

No Belgrade photos for several months...am in the US attending to a family matter.


Luis Gomez said...

I like Riley! He looks like a great dog.

Thérèse said...

Riley would have been friend with our two labs...

Misfit in Paradise said...

What a great shot!

Gaelyn said...

So like my labbymutt Carson. Always with a ball in his mouth and would fetch until my arm got tired.

Hope you are well. ;)

Alexa said...

Great dog! Looks like a very patient pup—nickname Job? Hope it's all going well where you are.

Olivier said...

il est mignon ton chien

Pam Lane said...

They must think we're incredibly slow when we don't pick up on such a clearly communicated wish!

Carraol said...

Love his expression, look anxious to start to run!

Daryl said...

So pretty .. and what an excellent portrait!

Jilly said...

Gorgeous photo of Riley. Love him! Is Bibi with you in America?


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.