Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I am not sure if this is really a loon. I watched this bird hunt for food while most of its body remained under the water...sort of like a feathered Loch Ness monster...

Anybody know for sure?

Am in the US until mid-summer on a family issue.


Luis Gomez said...

It is very nice and I like you photo.

Vladimir Krzalic said...

I'm not 100% sure, but it looks as it is a cormorant


Pretty common on the banks of Sava and Danube, they could be seen on dead trees, drying their feather in the sun as their excrament is killing the trees and lealves the branches open to the sun.

Local fishermen don't like the cormorants as they feed from the same pond.. so to say :)

Gaelyn said...

I'd have said cormorant also. But then I'm feeling a little loony, so that works for me too.

Anonymous said...

Yup. Cormorant. They do ride low in the water like loons.

Thérèse said...

How funny Bibi, what an attitude.
Probably a wet cormoran, yes.

Olivier said...

bien vu, mais un peu petit pour etre le monstre du loch ness ;o))

Lynette said...

Lovely photo. I'm glad you saw the bird and took it to share with us!

Daryl said...

No matter, its a wonderful photo

raf said...

Looks like a cormorant, Bibi. Really like the photo.


 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!