Tuesday, March 1, 2011

THEME DAY-my favorite part of town

This may not really look like a part of town, but it is. Above is a long-lens shot of houseboats on the Sava River and a boat speeding to the New Belgrade side of the shore. I like this area, because although it is within a city, it seems like you're far out of town.

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


Gaelyn said...

Reminds me of the houseboats in Seattle. It's a micro world in the city.

Luis Gomez said...

Bibi, thank you for this one. Very different!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Knowing that this is within the city, makes it quite special... One would believe that you are far into the countryside. Great life shot, P.


RNSANE said...

It is actually very nice to see something so peaceful in such close proximity to city life!

Alexa said...

Don't blame you for loving this! You and your long lens have captured it beautifully, I'm sure.

Olivier said...

belle photo et beau contre jour sur l'homme et son bateau

Chuck Pefley said...

Lovely choice, Bibi. I like the way you've cropped the image, too -:)

Jilly said...

A lovely shot, Bibi. I think many people in cities look for a peaceful scene and this is - you'd not know, looking at those trees, you are in a city.

Gaëlle said...

This looks so peaceful.

J e l e n a said...

Even though I live near the Danube, We do not take an advantage of that distance, except for walking and enjoying the river. Do not have a boat but took a ride in a water taxi that we had two years ago to Ada from Branko's bridge.

raf said...

Appreciate your choice for the theme, Bibi, and I really love that image. Very moving!

Nathalie said...

Your photo definitely has a strong WOW factor. What an amazing place, it looks so remote and wild. And to think that it's right in town... The houseboats are great. They give a very primitive edge to the image.

Lowell said...

I can imagine this would be especially nice in the summertime...love your photo for its composition and light!

Daryl said...

Fabulous ... and quite the contrast to the other photos you've shared of Belgrade

Virginia said...

You are right, it does seem to be in some remote village. Great shot Bibi.

Wayne said...

Great image, great composition.

Mo said...

We do tend to look for the country in the cities don't we. love your magical spot.

Ineke said...

for a moment i thought this was a flooded area, but no i know better i can see why you like it. Nice panorama view. Inspired me to get more into other photo shapes. Thanks

Buck said...

This is great! I like your idea of a hidden city very much. The river is the heart of many cities, so this is perfect.

knez011 said...

I just saw this image. It is awesome!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.