Saturday, April 2, 2011

Reflections Weekend--Color in a bottle

Oh, it's been soooo gray and rainy here in Seattle since I've arrived....I am color-starved. Took this photo through a bottle in my daughter's breakfast nook window.... Today there would be raindrops reflected on the window, too....

See more reflections at Newtown Daily Photo.

Am still here in the US on a family issue. Sorry I am not able to visit blogs right now; it's all I can do to post a photo.


Thérèse said...

Life in a bottle!

Gaelyn said...

That is an Outstanding photo. I wonder how many you took to get this perfection. I love to see the world through your eyes/lens. Hope the sun comes out for you soon. I'm busy getting Mom ready to move to Arizona. No small feat. Hugs to you!

Luis Gomez said...

Wonderful image Bibi. What a great capture.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Wonderful capture. Who needs photoshop to create distortions?

'Tsuki said...

Simplicity is a great way to catch the beauty of the world... This shot is stunning !

Alexa said...

I love this image, Bibi. You have the most amazing eye. Have been away and I've missed your blog.

Barbb blog said...

what a lovely vision!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.