Friday, April 1, 2011

Theme day-EDGES and April Fool to you...

Hey, guess what? The world really IS flat! While helping my mother move here in the US, I came upon this painting (reproduction, actually) entitled "I Told You So!". and thought it was perfect for today's theme day of 'edges'.

So you see, the world really IS flat, no matter what you have heard, and these sailors are headed right over the edge down to....where? Where do you think?

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


Thérèse said...


PPusa said...

This means that they must have lied about other things as well at school!

Leif Hagen said...

Now I don't know WHO to believe! I always thought the world was round but I can clearly see those ships sailing over the EDGE.....

Jim said...

Great edge day and fool's day post.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Luis Gomez said...

Excellent Bibi!

raf said...

Perfect, indeed! The quintessential edge for the theme.

Gaelyn said...

The bottom.

Love the image.

Jilly said...

Bibi, you have to win the prize for the best use of the word 'edge' - totally brilliant!

Andy said...

Also an excellent post for April Fool's Day.

Nathalie H.D. said...

I fully agree with Jilly, this is brilliant !

I've been looking for ways of incorporating an April fool's day prank into today's theme and haven't found anything. Your choice for today is fantastic !

(can you think of what it was like to set off on a sailing expedition with the idea that at any time you could meet the end of the world? It would have been terrifying !)

Mark said...

Great post, I racked my brain for an April Fools Post. Well done!!! Hope April is a fantastic month.
Clarence Valley Today

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

I think that you win the prize for both the April Fool's joke and the scariest edge! I have seen this before and it really does make you think, n'est-ce pas?

Thinking of you and hoping you are well in Seattle.


Lowell said...

This is the best theme day post I've seen so far! Love that painting! I know some teapot crackpots I'd like to show it to!

Chuck Pefley said...

Oh, I do love a good water-slide!!!

Interestingly, the verification word is somewhat pre-cognitivie ... ruinsess ... looks like those ships are on a collision course with "ruin-sess" ... perhaps a new title for this piece?

Unknown said...

Hi my mother is looking for this painting for a family member and we are having trouble locating a nice sized print of it, didn't know if you could recall where you found it. Any help would be much appreciated, thanks!

Pat said...

Hello, Andrew. Sorry not to be able to answer you through email, since your address does not appear. I hope you see this. I did a google search for this painting and found this site:

Good luck!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.