Saturday, April 30, 2011

REFLECTIONS WEEKEND- The doggies in the window

Not much of a reflection here, but couldn't resist posting this. Just goes to show you that you should always have your camera ready. Caught these cuties while stopped at a red light. Thank goodness for automatic windows; down mine went and snap, snap. Their owner was only too happy to have these pups pose.

See other reflections on James' Reflections Weekend.


Thérèse said...

J'ai un peu peur pour la "conduite assitée!" Sinon joli portrait de famille.

Stefan Jansson said...


RNSANE said...

They are delightful. I've learned to keep my camera out and on the seat when I'm driving..not stashed in my purse where I can't get to it quickly enough!

Tash said...

Glad you had the camera at a ready! They are darling.

'Tsuki said...

That is a funny picture, indeed... Those dogs are so cute ! And the smile on the face of the Lady seems so perfectly sincere... Love it !

Alexa said...

I always love your "drive-by" pictures! They look like blond Bibis, no?

DeLi said...

awww! tender-sweet


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.