Sunday, May 1, 2011

THEME DAY--Mailboxes

This is the C.S. Wilke house in Seattle's Queen Anne neighborhood. It dates from 1898. I love it.

I'll bet the mailman brought the mail directly to their door once-upon-a-time, and didn't place it in the black mailbox to the left of the gate.

I'm still in Seattle for a family issue, which I'm only now beginning to see progress in. So sorry I can't visit you all regularly for the moment. I won't forget you!

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


Jilly said...

What a beautiful house. Can just see people sitting out on this porch putting the world to rights. Glad to hear that progress is being made, Bibi.

Barbb blog said...

Your photo is so yummy, I wish I could spoon it out and spread it on my toast. Great capture, as usual!

Virginia said...

What a great old house. Love the curlycues! Hope things are going well for you Bibi. We miss you.

Luis Gomez said...

Great picture! Wonderful place.

Alexa said...

What a beautiful old house—and I love that fence. I have "country cousins" who have to go about half a mile to get to their mailbox!

Julie said...

a very inviting mailbox and home

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

I love this neighborhood in Seattle as it winds up higher and higher... sure do miss you and hope that you are managing. Big hugs, Genie

Buck said...

It's a beautiful photo!
Hope things work out soon!

Anonymous said...

I am glad I found your blog.Although you are not in Belgrade now it is always nice to read how other people experience my city of birth.My family left Serbia for New Zealand when I was 8 years old.I of course have only fond memories of that time.This house is great ..we have here so many of thos return of the century villas and being a young country(150 years) we of course are very protective of all buildings with history in the.Hope things are going ok for you.Cheers


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.