If you ever have a chance to ride a Duck (there are many cities that offer these tours), please, please go! You'll love it. And buy a 'quacker', too, and toot (quack) as you wave to passers-by.
See other Z's at Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC WEDNESDAY.
Impressions of Belgrade and Serbia and maybe photos from an in-country trip by a long-term ex-pat.
Zoundz like an adventurous journey!
Zoning the ABC, please come and see.
Albany, NY has an aquaduck vehicle too!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
They have this on the Gold Coast of Australia too. Love his hat.
I have to admit never heard of duck before.Riding one I mean:)But maybe if I saw one I would know:)
I see Aussies have them so why not we kiwis too;)
Sounds like fun!
I'm hoping to get down to Seattle this summer and will look up this duck of which you speak. Did you visit the Underground City?
abcw team
This looks like a hoot! Zany is good.
Remember seeing one of these in Boston years ago! Zany is my word this week too.
"Zany"...nice take on the prompt!
Fun ...
I'll go if Jonny Depp is driving!!
Jane x
Ha, that is a good portrait of the Captain.
This captain just passed away a few days ago, thanks for the great picture and story about him. He was a great guy.
Dear Anonymous and other readers,
I was so, so sorry to hear this. I will always remember his Duck tour; what a nice guy he was.
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