Monday, June 20, 2011


This airplane seemed to have taken off from Boeing Field here in Seattle. Perhaps it is on a test run and is a plane to be exported to some foreign airline? Never saw any green-bellied planes here.

Anybody know?


Olivier said...

peut etre un avion ecologique a base d'arbres et de fleurs ;)

Thérèse said...

What a good observer you are!

Luis Gomez said...


Anonymous said...

This is my firsttime too to see a colourful plane like this.Maybe it was some airshow model?Good catch anyway:L)

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

I am not sure but they have an orange/red color scheme on the one at the Paris airshow this week... no, regrettably I am not there..


Daryl said...

I wonder if its Southwest Airlines, they are pretty 'hip'

Tash said...

very cool photo...not a view that's often seen!
It's a 747...perhaps for Air New Zealand? Genie is right about the purdy orange/red/white for the new 747 passenger ( and the freighter with bio-fuel is blue & white.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.