Saturday, June 4, 2011

Reflections Weekend: "I dig skinny guys," says she, "and their dogs!"

The girl on the poster is eying this fellow and his dog. Other dog out of sight was a greyhound, too..... They say people resemble their dogs... I'm wondering how I look like Bibi; no underbite!

Again, snapped this at a red light; reflection and all.

See other reflections at JAMES' Reflections Weekend.

8 comments: said...

I definitely see a resemblance!
Though it is not always true-I can truly say you do not look like Bibi-I do see pets & their owners often times share a likeness.

Alexa said...

I'm with Lily—you do not share Bibi's Hapsburg jaw! On the other hand, there's a definite resemblance between this guy and his underfed pup. Nice capture!

Gaelyn said...

Do you have dark hair and smile a lot? ;)

Anonymous said...

Heheh I do hope I do not ressemble my 2 pit bulls:P

jennyfreckles said...

Well, he definitely looks like his dog!

Luis Gomez said...

Great capture! Wonderful photographic moment.

'Tsuki said...

Well the dog is as skinny as its master... But she doesn't seems that picky, lucky him... :D

Thérèse said...

Le chien ressemble t'il au maître ou le maître au chien? It's ok as long as they don't forget to eat!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.