The girl on the poster is eying this fellow and his dog. Other dog out of sight was a greyhound, too..... They say people resemble their dogs... I'm wondering how I look like Bibi; no underbite!
Again, snapped this at a red light; reflection and all.
See other reflections at
JAMES' Reflections Weekend.
I definitely see a resemblance!
Though it is not always true-I can truly say you do not look like Bibi-I do see pets & their owners often times share a likeness.
I'm with Lily—you do not share Bibi's Hapsburg jaw! On the other hand, there's a definite resemblance between this guy and his underfed pup. Nice capture!
Do you have dark hair and smile a lot? ;)
Heheh I do hope I do not ressemble my 2 pit bulls:P
Well, he definitely looks like his dog!
Great capture! Wonderful photographic moment.
Well the dog is as skinny as its master... But she doesn't seems that picky, lucky him... :D
Le chien ressemble t'il au maître ou le maître au chien? It's ok as long as they don't forget to eat!
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