Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sunday Bridges--The spider's bridge

Ever wonder exactly how a spider make its web? I wondered the same thing while watching this spider being blown back and forth yesterday in my daughter's yard here in Seattle.

The most difficult part is the first thread. The spider releases a sticky thread that is blown away with the wind. If the breeze carries the silken line to a spot where it sticks, the first bridge is formed.
The spider cautiously crosses along the thin line reinforcing it with a second line. She enforces the line until it is strong enough. And so it goes, bridge by bridge.

You can read a little more at this site and view more bridges at Louis La Vache's Sunday Bridges.


Gaelyn said...

Great idea for a bridge. I love watching spiders build webs. It's an architectural amazement. said...

A VERY unique take on this Sunday Bridges Meme!

Luis Gomez said...


Chuck Pefley said...

Never thought about that first tiny filament. Letting the wind perform a random distribution is amazing. Thanks for your clever out-of-the-box spider-bridge education. Hope you're enjoying our two days of summer -:)))

Martha Z said...

A very creative post, spider as bridge architect.

Thérèse said...

Marvels of nature. I can see a face on the back of this spider!

TheChieftess said...

Wow! GREAT shot!!!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.