Friday, July 29, 2011


A statue on the Republic of Serbia Government Building looks at the ruins of an army headquarters building, destroyed during the NATO bombing of 1999.

See other skies at SKYWATCH FRIDAY.


Luis Gomez said...

Great shot Bibi!

Anonymous said...

I am pleased I wasn't there when it happened...

Lowell said...

Very dramatic picture! And a very interesting building, architecturally. I guess the army headquarters was too badly damaged to fix up? Maybe a new building there sometime?

Leif Hagen said...

Quite a contrast - quite a reminder....

Anonymous said...

Ah, so that's what that building is! The army hq, I mean. (I asked my boyfriend what it was and he didn't know.) :D said...

I like how you used the army building to frame this shot. It creates an interesting composition with the sky.

Alexa said...

Gotta go with the consensus here—beautifully composed. And . . . nice sky!

Thérèse said...

Connaissez-vous le sketch "le telegramme?" rendu celebre par Yves Montand ... "la statue est toujours a la meme place"

Pat said...

Anonymous, I think actually the main army headquarters (very seriously damaged; unusable) stands just to the left of this building (in my photo). The piece you see is also some sort of army building...or was.

Therese, no I don't know Le Telegramme, mais je vais le rechercher!

J e l e n a said...

The building in ruins is also a very important building as far as the architecture is concerned. I forgot the name of the architect, but the building is a landmark in the architectural way.

Tanya Breese said...

well done! happy skywatching!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.