Saturday, July 30, 2011

REFLECTIONS WEEKEND--wet and slippery

It's raining! I'm not sorry either, for it had been really hot and now the air is cooler. Took this photo out my window with a long lens last evening....

See other reflections at James' WEEKEND REFLECTION.


Luis Gomez said...

Bibi, I love this shot! Great colors and reflections!

'Tsuki said...

Well sometimes the last minut ideas are the most efficient... That is a really nice pic, Bibi. I like how the red stop light are ignite the blue of the asphalt...

Laura said...

how wonderfully colorful!

namaki said...

Nice abstract design and the colours are gorgeous !

Simon said...

Love, love, love the colors in this vibrant. Great catch and glad you didn't have to wander far. Thankful to that zoom, zoom, zoom.

Anonymous said...

Wow.This looks like a piece of art:)

Karen said...

Fabulous colours!

Kim, USA said...

Wow it came out very beautiful and the color is fantastic!

Sunset reflection

lotusleaf said...

beautiful! It looks like an abstract painting.

Thérèse said...

Ooooh, c'est beau!

Lowell said...

Very cool! Love this kind of shot...very artistic and great colors!

James said...

I was a little disoriented at until I figured it out. Very cool shot!

Alexa said...

I like this a lot!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.