Wednesday, August 24, 2011

ABC WEDNESDAY "F" is for "Fun!"

I was envious of these Romi or Gypsy boys having a great time in a public fountain just off of Knez Mihailova. It's been really hot here... I wondered if they would give their sister a ride, but I couldn't wait to see...too hot.

See other F's and maybe more fun on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Olivier said...

j'aime ces photos d'enfant dans les fontaines, toujours de la joie de vivre et du bonheur. Superbe

Luis Gomez said...

Beautiful shot! Yes, they seem to be having a lot of fun.

Anonymous said...

I immediately smiled as your image opened on my laptop... I love it!

Chronicles of Illusions said...

What a great capture of such a terrific moment

Roger Owen Green said...

the boys are having fun, but the girl, not so much
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Anonymous said...

I do hope they gave her a ride..if they find time;)

Gaelyn said...

Looks like a great way to cool off. How come you didn't ask for a ride? ;)

Thérèse said...

Des passe-temps très sains! Des joies d'enfants.

Daryl said...

She looks so bored .. poor kid I bet the boys totally ignored her

Lowell said...

That is a really "hot" photo! The boys, obviously having a blast, their poignant little sister, sitting alone and ignored...the great color of the water, the action in the it!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Little sister looks wistful for a chance to ride the cart... what a refreshing shot for the "dog days" of summer!


Kathy said...

Children and water is always a delightful combination.

Anonymous said...

The lovely authenticity of kids. Looks like tons of fun. I'd have joined them. :) Alexandra


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.