Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Gone...but by no means forgotten...

Symbols seem to pop out of our surroundings, sometimes to give us a sign, or at least that's what I think. Today marks the three-year passing of my husband, who was taken from my family and me much too early. I found this heart yesterday on a nearby street.

He is gone, but by no means forgotten...and in some ways, I believe he is still here. My love for him is.


Olivier said...

un superbe tatouage sur ce trottoir, trop mignon

Luis Gomez said...

Lovely post Bibi!

Anonymous said...

Loving remembering and the heart you were meant to see:)

Alexa said...

And he never will be, I'm sure. (My dad has been gone for 18 years and I still think of him every day.) Lovely post.

Gaelyn said...

He will always be with you in your heart and soul.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Thinking of you today, mon amie. You will see his smile in your new grandchild and will have his memories forever... He is definitely still with you and not forgotten.


Thérèse said...

Des signes qui nous parlent...

Daryl said...

Perfect. And I keep saying this but it is true .. he is not gone as long as he is in your heart

Lowell said...

Very lovely and poignant post. Certainly he is still here - in your heart for sure. Perhaps that is the meaning of this heart in the street.

Juliette said...

Très belle pensée.

Soma said...

Heart on the pavement. Beautiful post, Bibi.


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