Wednesday, August 31, 2011

ABC WEDNESDAY - "G" is for "Geppetto"

Remember Geppetto, the shoemaker who created Pinocchio? The shoemaker I snapped late one evening downtown reminds me of him.

See other G's at ABC WEDNESDAY.


Luis Gomez said...

Great picture! Wonderful capture Bibi!

Olivier said...

belle boutique que celle de Geppetto

Anonymous said...

Indeed .You would just expect Pinoccio to walk through that store.Fantastic;)

photowannabe said...

This definitely is Old World. I wish there were a few Gepettos around my area. It seems everything is disposable and no one wants anything remade.
Love this colorful picture.

Kim, USA said...

I like your photo it is very colorful. And yes that remind me of Pinocchio too.


Roger Owen Green said...

I was also thinking of another poor shoemaker of myth
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Anonymous said...

I agree with you, I do like your candid portrait of him... in his element.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Oh yeah the popular geppetto, I so love your photo!

G is for Gorgeous Gladiola

J e l e n a said...

Oh yes, Gepetto. He must be handling Manolos and Jimmy Choos since people opt to throw away the shoes instead of repairing them. It cost too much. Beautiful shop.

Gaelyn said...

I thought shoemakers a thing of the past. Great capture!

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Cool colors. They look elegant and expensive. Does he actually make them?

Pat said...

Not sure, Oakland, but I think he makes some of the shoes he sells, but probably not all...too many varieties!

Kathy said...

Great photo!

Daryl said...

Oh I am jonzing for those emerald suede flats

MaR said...

What a fantastic capture and shot!!
love it.
G is for...

Thérèse said...

We are in need of a lot of Geppettos like this one!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

What a great shot of this master craftsman... tell Daryl that she's going to have to fight me for that pair!


Leslie: said...

FABULOUS shot, Bibi! Did you tell him you took the photo? Gepetto was my late husband's favourite Disney character and I still have his favourite Gepetto Christmas mug to this day. Have a great week,

abcw team

Laloofah said...

I adore this photo, and think your interpretation of "G" is the most clever one I've seen! Gepetto - just brilliant!

sush said...

so sweet:-


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.