Thursday, September 1, 2011

THEME DAY-Perspective--a dog's eye view

I could say that my dog, Bibi, took this photo, and from this perspective, she could have. I took this with a little fish-eye attachment and stooped way down low, Bibi-level.

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


Luis Gomez said...

Great shot Bibi. Lovely!

Anonymous said...

I loved to blow on those when I was little;) What a great catch:))

Jim said...

beautiful blooms

Thérèse said...

Lequel choisir pour tenter sa chance et souffler, souffler a en perdre le souffle!
Magnifique photo!

Mark said...

A delightful perspective

Leif Hagen said...

I love the fish-eye effect and the Bibi-level PERSPECTIVE!
Great for theme day!

Z said...


paul said...

What a mass of dandelions, and so beautifully captured. I am amazed at all the different shades of white in them.

canngil said...

magical perspective!! lovely!

Gaelyn said...

Love this perspective.

Jilly said...

Absolutely superb, Bibi. I've read about that fish-eye lens - this so well shows how brilliant they are. are you sure Bibi didn't take this?! Such a lovely photo.

nathalie (Avignon) said...

Bibi-level or Tenin style, you achieved a fantastic shot. Brilliant!

Daryl said...

I really love this

Arie Uittenbogaard said...

Great shot! Where's this? Kalemegdan?

Alexa said...

Bibi has a pretty nice view at times, I see. And does Bibi also like to make a wish and blow on the blooms?

Pat said...

Arie, no, it is on Usce, the park in New Belgrade just across from old Belgrade.

Alexa, no, these actually make Bibi sneeze if they get in her nose...

Tash said...

Wonderful view-point! Such a pretty field.

Juliette said...

Magique, c'est vrai!

Babzy.B said...

great carpet :)

Anonymous said...

What an excellent image


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.