Monday, August 22, 2011


Unfortunately, it's not often that you see really nice individual mailboxes here. Only one of these cheery red mailboxes seems to have suffered some damage.

Such a bright red! Might even make getting a bill fun...or maybe not.


Anonymous said...

It looks amazing happy :))

Maude Lynn said...

How cute!

Olivier said...

amusante ces boites aux lettres, cela fait penser a une partition musicale mais avec des boites aux lettres a la place des notes ;))

Luis Gomez said...

Beautiful image Bibi!

Gaelyn said...

And the wallpaper is pretty wild too.

Jilly said...

Hey, snap! Mailboxes on Menton DP today too. These are RED, really red.

J e l e n a said...

Well, it is nice to see that the tenants of one building agreed on one thing. That is not what you can say for most of the buildings. Our tenant meetings are like a good theater show.

Thérèse said...

Le moins que l'on puisse dire: en harmonie!

Virginia said...

I LOVE these rouge mailboxes.....of course! The wallpaper is kitschy but cute.

Leif Hagen said...

Lovely, RED mailboxes! They look brand new!
Kind vacation regards from Yellowstone Ntl Park and Montana

Daryl said...

Far more friendly looking than our NYC apartment building mailboxes

Lowell said...

You probably wouldn't want to go checking your mail if'n you had say, several martinis!

Cute and nice photo. And yes, that Walmart is open 24/7. It was just remodeled and still looks like crap!
Sorry, even though we shop there once in awhile, I hate the place!

Alexa said...

And I love the way they're arranged rather randomly. As Virginia said, the wallpaper's fun too!

Marianne said...

Great mail boxes. Love the color, the placement. Maybe I'll steal the idea for my building, though we don't have such kooky wallpaper.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.