Thursday, August 11, 2011

From a fairy tale...?

Yesterday's post put me in a fairy tale mood. Which fairy tale character(s) inspired this house, upstream a bit from Belgrade on the Sava River? Note how it's been built high, in case of flooding.


Luis Gomez said...

Wow! Great shot Bibi.

Juliette said...

Yes, it does look like a fairy tale .. a homebuilt, fairy-tale castle. Crazy and wonderful!

Olivier said...

waouhh cette maison est extraordinaire, elle pourrait sortir d'un dessin animé, j'adore

Anonymous said...

I can not help it ,but I find it ugly:(I am sur eit disturbs the piecefull coastline of the river...

Thérèse said...

Adorable habitation sortie d'un conte!
Il y a des cabanes au fond des jardins et des maisons d'enfant au bord des fleuves... un reve d'enfant en chair et en os.

Lowell said...

This place would fit perfectly in Cedar Key where the water has been known to reach 12ft above sea level during hurricanes. Funky-looking place...a bit top-heavy. But I like it!

Daryl said...

Oh that is charming .. a very photographable .. not tall enough for Rapunzel .. a bit too open/bright/small for Snow White & the Dwarfs .. maybe its .. Sleeping Beauty?

Virginia said...

I let out a delighted giggle when t his loaded. You must bring us back to this "dollhouse" when it's finished. Seems awfully close to the river's edge though.

john said...

it's fantastic!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.