Friday, September 23, 2011

SKYWATCH--Saint Marko silhouette

Saint Marko's Orthodox cathedral, silhouetted.

See more skies on SKYWATCH FRIDAY.


Luis Gomez said...

Love it! Great sky Bibi!

Olivier said...

tres belles ombres chinoises

Al said...

I love this silhouette and the clouds - a great shot that shows how a not-cloudless sky makes things far more interesting.

Thanks for pointing out those mammatus clouds from a couple of years ago. We see them occasionally here in Colorado, usually after a severe thunderstorm has moved over, but not normally lit up from beneath like that.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

A holy hush is present in this photo.


Sky above, sky aglow,
Sky of rain and sky of snow;
Sky of hail, sky of sleet,
Sky cavorting o’er the street;
Sky of black, sky of blue,
In all seasons I love you!

© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

Sky in a Puddle

The Write Girl said...

What a lovely sky...I love the dark silhouette of the building against the white clouds.

lina@women's perspectives said...

Interesting silhouette. Contrast with the sky background...

Red Nomad OZ said...

HHHMMMmmm... so how did you get the clouds to match the silhouettes below so perfectly??!!

Indrani said...

That is a lovely sky, perfect for travel.
Great capture of silhouette.

Tammie Lee said...

absolutely gorgeous!!

Anonymous said...

What agreat catch Bibi;)

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Very good and nice photo.

Regards and best wishes

Penelope Potty Snooper said...

Simply wow

Thérèse said...

C'est beau de le voir en silhouette, du coup on s'apperçoit mieux de l'importance du batiment entier.

Louis la Vache said...

A fine contribution to SWF, Bibi!

Virginia said...

LOVE the silhouettes in this shot. So much detail. You caught it perfectly Bibi!

Alexa said...

I'll just add my bravas to everyone else's here. Love it!

Unknown said...

Stunning sky and the silhouette really adds to it all. Lovely.

Lowell said...

This is one of your best shots, in my opinion! I love it! Very well-composed and great colors and light! Superb!

Arie Uittenbogaard said...

Ah, you were in my neighborhood. I pass by St Marko's every day. Only last week I visited the little Russian Ortodox church behind it for the first time.
Nice photo, Bibi!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.