Thursday, September 22, 2011

Tiny red roses

On a Bibi walk the other evening I found these tiny red roses....what first attracted me was their yellow leaves... I don't know why the leaves were so yellow, and yet the roses were so fresh and red.

Is there a allegorical message here?


Olivier said...

un signe que l'ete va bientot finir. Belle photo

Bob Crowe said...

Maybe May and December relationships, to use someone else's metaphor. But now you've got Don Ho singing Tiny Bubbles going in my head.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the sadnnes that they were cut off goes first through the leaves.They sure look pretty:)

Arie Uittenbogaard said...

My Serbian wife says red is for love and yellow is for jealousy. Hmm, where did you find those roses? :)

Daryl said...

they look almost like silk .. said...

Oh how I miss my visits here!

Haunting is the word that comes to mind when I look at these roses!
Nicely done.

Lowell said...

Unusual. Don't remember seeing any roses like that. I like the way you positioned on that dark background.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.