Saturday, September 3, 2011

Weekend Reflection--a glass of Chardonnay

Serbian Chardonnay...there's quite a wine industry here.

See more reflections at James' Weekend Reflection.


Juliette said...

Beautiful shot! How does it taste???

Anonymous said...

Yes they indeed produce the best wines:) There is long tradition in some areas.As teh matter of fact the first beginings of New Zealand wine Industry wa sthe home made wine that people )Dalmatiers) from former Yugoslavia producesd as the only other drinkw was beer.

Leif Hagen said...

I'd love to join you for a glass of Serbian Chardonnay and some CDP blog chit chat!
Cheers, Bibi!

Alexa said...

What a refreshing reflection!

'Tsuki said...

Nice macro !

Luis Gomez said...

Great reflection!

Anne-Ma said...

De jolis reflets dans ce verre de Chardonnay.

Daryl said...

Oh I like this .. after a glass or two the other nite I took macro shots of my tea cup ... why not the wine glass? because by then it was empty!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.