Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sunday Bridges...Trajan, no wait, it's Decebalus, is watching you....

I stand corrected, thanks to Nick, who commented below. I had originally written that this was Emperor Trajan, but it is is arch-enemy Decebalus, whom you can read about right here. I'd written about GTrajan's bridge that was and will be again previously.

And, although I visited this place a while back, you have my friend Nena to thank for this photo. You can see another one of her beautiful photos right here.

See more bridges at Louis La Vache's SUNDAY BRIDGES.


Nick said...

That is not Trajan, but his 'nemesis' Decebalus (

Nice photo :-)

Anonymous said...

When I saw Trajan in the title I immediately ahd to think about the story :U Cara Trajana velike usi:),othee Tsaar Trajan has big ears;)Isn't it amazing pic

Lesley said...

I have now had to educate myself on this Trajan and his 'nemesis' Decebalus.
This is a wonderful view!

Jim said...


Andy said...

That's an amazing sight to come upon.

Crafty Green Poet said...

that's amazing!

Miss_Yves said...


About Thérèse's post:

"He's one of many decorated white antennae balls. I make a point of taking photos of as many cute ones as I can!

I posted two together fairly recently, over the summer. "

I' d like to see your cute photos of" decorated white antennae balls".


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.