Saturday, September 17, 2011

WEEKEND REFLECTIONS--the shoes that cost too much...

In Belgrade you can find the latest fashions; there are brand-name shops of imported shoes and clothing for all ages, and there are some excellent domestic brand names, too.

The shoes pictured here are most likely locally made, which is not at all to say they are not well-made, but in my opinion these shoes are really overpriced, even with the marked discount. As of this writing, the dollar is about 70 dinars, and the euro hovers around 100, so you can do the math for yourself.

How much do you usually pay for a pair of shoes?

See other reflections at James' WEEKEND REFLECTIONS.


Luis Gomez said...

All those shoes!

Leif Hagen said...

I love your shoe shop window photo! Our small shops were long ago replaced largely by the big shopping malls!

Stefan Jansson said...

Looks a bit expensive. I don't see the shoe models that the two Serbian fashionistas that I met a while back was wearing. Must have been imports.

Carraol said...

Well, fashion is expensive!

Karen said...

A great reflection shot, but I think the shoes are ugly!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Ooooooh, I could not tell you that! However, I will say that I love shoes and a sale on shoes... enough said!


Gaelyn said...

Don't see anything in my style, and certainly not in my budget. I pay tops $150US for a good pair of hiking boots and less for anything else.

Do a lot of people go barefoot? ;)

Thérèse said...

That's how much I paid last week for my last pair of black shoes (with heels)on sale but salaries are not the same.

Anonymous said...

I do not likie any of the shoes in this wibndow.And you are right..they are overprized! I wouldn't spend more tahn approx 60 NZ for nice looking comfy shoes.Although gumboots are most liekly to be wanr by me in coming month:Sprimg is coming and garden work is starting:)

Soma said...

Ha, they look really terrible, Bibi! :-) Someone would think that you took the photo in the '80s :-)

'Tsuki said...

I don't buy a lot of shoes : a pair of confortable skate shoes like Vans once a year, and a pair of good hicking boots every two or three year... I don't put a lot of money in my appearence, so, I guess I can't find clothing expensive... But you are right : shoes can be expensive. I guess it depends if your following fashion or not, though.

Gerald (SK14) said...

Not sure I can do the maths - I pay no more than £20 for a pair of cheap shoes that last me maybe 6 months. Some people prefer to spend up to £100 for a good pair that will probably last a few years.

Virginia said...

I think they are overpriced as well and not as stylish as they should be for that price. I will admit I love shoes but shop at places like TJ Maxx and rarely pay over $30. Ususally less!

Anonymous said...

Yes... just a bit high priced... love your shot!

Daryl said...

Well, I have been known to pay a lot for shoes .. on average, designer shoes here cost upwards of $300

barbarianthemadserb said...

Talk about hi prices and my goof a couple of years ago in Belgrade. Went to a shoe store with my girlfriend, spotted some nice shoes, did the math (converted dinars to dollars and looked like it would be $70.00). So, bought them, got back home to the USA, read my Master card and that $70 was somehow converted to $700!! Somehow an extra zero was inserted into the bills that escaped me. Wow, just be careful as you convert dinars to dollars and double check the bills. Those shoes are nice but not worth $700 and Master card could not help me. Oh well. Live n learn.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.