Wednesday, October 12, 2011

ABC WEDNESDAY: "M" is for "The Mutt and the Mouser"

Another guest photographer today. This time it is my daughter's friend, Muna, (another "M") who is contributing her pets' photo. Here you see Evander and his feline friend, GG.

For sure Evander is not a mutt, and I am not sure GG is a good mouser, but the M's fit today.

See other M's on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Olivier said...

bien vu l'angle de la photo, j'adore ce portrait animalier

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

What a pair! They look like they could handle just about any situation... too cute!


Roberto Machado Alves said...

Dog and cat together in a beautiful photograph. I love animals and they are great friends of human beings. I have a dog of 12 years and it is a great companion.

Greetings from Roberto, Rio de Janeiro.

photowannabe said...

Love their expressions and the angle of this shot. Tell your daughter bravo!

Roger Owen Green said...

they both have attitude!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Alexa said...

It's the dog who looks like a total pussycat—and the cat who looks like a real tough guy. Funny!

Granny Smith said...

Your daughter has captured the personalities of this unlikely pair!

Chubskulit Rose said...

How beautiful!

Would you like to read some Loving Messages that Melts My Heart? Please come on over.

J e l e n a said...

They deserve a cartoon!

Gunn said...

A superb "portrait" of the couple!:)

Gunn /

Miss_Yves said...

ForMidable photo!

Kathy said...

What a delightful photo! Boxers are one of my favorite breeds.

Thérèse said...

Excellent fit!

Louis la Vache said...

Very good, Bibi!

Anonymous said...

I am sure teh cat is teh BOSS:))

Lynette said...

Superb photo! Love it.

Daryl said...

Awesome .. GG has a smug look .. Evander .. that name suits him

Roy Schulze said...

They remind me a little of the couple from Grant Wood's painting American Gothic. My ABC Wednesday is Another Mouse.

Lowell said...

An excellent photo. Your daughter's friend knows how to get down to get the picture. The dog is wonderful and so is the cat, although I didn't recognize the cat right away as the dog's presence fills the frame.

Great job, Muna!

TheChieftess said...

Toooo cute!!! And such perfect "M's"!!!

Gunn said...

I still like this!!!:)


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