Wednesday, November 2, 2011

ABC WEDNESDAY-- "P" is for "poodle's posh paws"

Taken in early September when the weather was warm. It hadn't even rained, and I wondered why this Poodle was wearing these shoes...

See other P's at


Olivier said...

photo culte ;o))

Anonymous said...

I would wonder any month why they put shoes on dogs;)

Luis Gomez said...

I don't really know what to say!

Gaelyn said...

You see the most unusual things.

Alexa said...

A perfectly preposterous post!
Actually, I can see it if there's snow & ice on the ground. Otherwise, pourquoi?

Jama said...

Cute shoes for the dog!

Roger Owen Green said...

poor poodle padded with people's silliness.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Louis la Vache said...

Is Bibi demanding socks now?

Louis la Vache said...

...oops, «Louis» meant "shoes," not "socks"...

Scriptor Senex said...

Now that is something you don't see very often!

Penelope Notes said...

What an adorable poodle! I wonder if it is prone to getting stones in its paws or perhaps it is simply a style statement from a pampered pooch. :)

Thérèse said...

Dzoli has is right!

Daryl said...

she's got on sandals but put boots on the dogs .. okay ..

Lowell said...

Oh, good grief! This does give one pause! Perhaps the poor thing has especially sensitive paws that cannot bear the rigors of normal doggie life on the pavement?

Cute, though. The shoes are no doubt handmade...

Roy Schulze said...

Because that dog has Style! My ABC Wednesday this week is Pink!

Carla said...

what about this little guy! The dogs in Paris would be delighted. Carla

Chronicles of Illusions said...

that makes me kinda sad


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.