Monday, November 28, 2011

Big Brother... watching you... Have you been naughty or nice this year? Oh, wait...that's Santa. Well, he's probably watching, too.

Interesting that this sign is in English, not in Serbian!


Olivier said...

il est severe ton pere noel big brother, moi j'ai ete sage alors pas de probleme ;o))

Luis Gomez said...

Interesting shot Bibi. And yes, you are right it should have been Chesapeake.

Thérèse said...

Pour ceux qui ont su se tenir: pas de probleme.

Andy said...

Nice capture. It's scary when you think about how much we are being spied on these days.

Jeff said...

He has quite the serious expression but considering the message in the sign it's no surprise. :)

Daryl said...

Oh I love it and it reminds me of a photo I took in Philly. I need to post it ..

Louis la Vache said...

It seems the whole world is under video surveillance. Orwell didn't know how right he would be when 1984 was published...(sigh)


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.