Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to my readers in the US and to those Americans abroad who are celebrating today. I always 'do' Thanksgiving on the following Saturday, since it's just easier for me, because people here don't have today off.

I've done my shopping already, but didn't get myself all decked out to do so like this lady in her fur coat.... Though there have been recent animal rights' protests, so far it's still safe to wear fur. And is that a crocodile or lizard bag....?

(No, I do not have a fur coat or a leather bag....)


Olivier said...

c'est vrai, Happy Thanksgiving.

Luis Gomez said...

I really don't see her at a street market Bibi! Great photo. Have a lovely thanksgiving!

Alexa said...

Is it really that cold there? (I don't haul the mink out unless it's way below freezing.) Whatever the temp, I hope you enjoy your belated Thanksgiving!

J e l e n a said...

Happy Thanksgiving Bibi! It is so nice that you still keep the tradition at home.

I think that is an absolute fake bag. Yes, no objections in Serbia to wearing fur, but this fur coat is probably from 30 some years ago when people could afford them.

ps hope you found the sweet potatoes, since they started selling them here

Pat said...

Jelena, WHERE are the sweet potatoes??

Thérèse said...

Happy Thanksgiving and I am hoping you will find the sweet potatoes... ;-)

Gaelyn said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

If it's cold enough to wear fur, then wear fur.

Daryl said...

another perfect street shot ..


Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

What a timeless shot! I hope that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with family... belated, but being thankful is for every day.


Leif Hagen said...

Oksana seems to be quite fashion and fur conscious!
Hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving on Saturday - we had our turkey and "fixings" today at noon which you'll see tomorrow on my blog...


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.