Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to many of you. My little traveling companion, Radovan, picked some words from my mixed-up assortment of Magnetic Poetry to make a message for today. Enjoy the moment. Must say that I bought the arrangement in the basket from a lady on the market whose son is now making them...he lost his job as an electrical engineer, and jobs are scarce...


Luis Gomez said...

Very sweet of you Bibi. Have a beautiful Christmas!

Alexa said...

I'd like to return the sentiment. Hope you're enjoying a merry multi-generational Christmas—with your mom and baby Mila (and everyone in between).
My WV is "sympa." How apropos!

Thérèse said...

Merry Christmas! / Joyeux Noel!

Valladolid Daily Photo said...

Merry Christmas to you and yours from cold Castille!!

Gunn said...

Hope you have had a GOD JUL / MERRY CHRISTMAS.
A very nice image!:)

TheChieftess said...

Love your Christmas shot!!! Hope you had a delightful Christmas!!! And of course wishing you a wonderful New Year!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.