Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sunday Bridges--Prague

Short of a Belgrade bridge this week, so here is a view from a bridge of St. Vitus' Cathedral in Prague, where I was in early November for a wedding.

See other bridges at Louis La Vache's SUNDAY BRIDGES.


Louis la Vache said...

It's OK, Bibi, to make this a truly international meme: a blogger in Belgrade posts a photo of a bridge in Prague at a meme hosted by une vache folle in San Francisco!

Maude Lynn said...

Absolutely stunning!

Luis Gomez said...

This is absolutely beautiful!

raf said...

A compelling image, Bibi, and especially strong in monochrome.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I hope it wasn't too cold for a wedding. I had a summer wedding.

Andy said...

Spectacular view. Keep on clicking.

Nenad said...

For a second I was like: "Where is this in Belgrade?" :)

Leif Hagen said...

A great photo and nice of Maria to pose in your photo, too! And wedding photo to show us??

Al said...

That's a beautiful photo, perfect in black-and-white.

Alexa said...

This is gorgeous—makes me want to grab my camera and get on the next plane to Prague. Love the b&w, but I think I see what looks like a monochrome rainbow. (?)

Lynette said...

Gorgeous photo. Thanks!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Superb in B&W Bibi,wonderful image.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

This is a wonderful b/w and I would love to return to Prague for another photo marathon. She is so photogenic!


Kathy said...

Love the misty quality of this photo.


 I watched this couple for quite a while. Each was engrossed in their phones....but then suddenly they shared something. A text, a photo, wh...