Wednesday, January 11, 2012

ABC WEDNESDAY--"Z" is for "(almost)Zeppole"

These yummy long, puffy, sprinkled-with-sugar-if-you-like, doughnuts that this kerchiefed seller is about to pick up may be cousins of the Italian Zeppole, which are round and filled.

This Serbian version is called mekike (MEH-kee-keh) and if you click right here, you'll find a recipe for them, in Serbian only; couldn't find one in English.

The other lady is about to serve some tulumbe (too-LOOM-beh), which are very sweet/ You can find an English recipe for them by clicking here.

See other Z's at ABC WEDNESDAY.


photowannabe said...

Oh my, these both look delicious. Pastries are one of my favorites. Terrific photo. The kerchief woman has so much character in her face.

Luis Gomez said...

Bibi, what an extraordinary image. Love the pastries, the faces and the light. It is just gorgeous!

Olivier said...

superbe portrait, belle expression de la vendeuse

Kathy said...

Wonderful photo! Great job.

Lowell said...

That's a woman who knows what she's doing and if it still holds the way to a man's heart is through his stomach she must be surrounded by huge numbers of men!

I would have a very difficult time not eating numerous mekike every day!

Roger Owen Green said...

looks yummy!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Gaelyn said...

Zounds good to me. ;)

nonizamboni said...

Zepole by any other name. . .just as delicious. Your photo is priceless. Nicely done!!

J.Rylie.C said...

Looks delicious.

Zing is it for me. Hope you can visit and see. Have a nice day!

Chubskulit Rose said...


Zodiac is one of my entries. Come see it when you get a chance. Thanks!

Louis la Vache said...

hee hee...
Are Serbian cops as addicted to donuts as American cops?

The police HATE that stereotype. However, they help perpetuate it when, as «Louis» recently saw 13 police cars and 5 police motorcycles are parked in front of King Donut at Third and King Streets in San Francisco!
Blue uniforms occupied every stool at the counter!

Alexa said...

The mekike and tulumbe both look de-lish! And this is a wonderful portrait too.

TheChieftess said...

Ohhh!!! I'll take one of each and a cup of coffee please!!!

Chronicles of Illusions said...

they look yummy - a great image caught - what a great entry to finish with

Tash said...

I soooooo want a taste! My grandma used to make Dalmatian equivalent - fritule, with soured milk. Puffy, greasy, sweet. YUM!

Tash said...

PS - Tumbule look a bit like Mexican churros although probably tastier.


 Maybe it's the state of the world that affects me now, particularly in my home country. Everything seems dark and ominous. Clearer skie...