Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Klara and Dita

You meet so many nice people when you have a dog, or maybe even if you don't. In my case, Bibi wanted desperately to play with little Dita (DEE-ta), but she was way too interested in a treed squirrel. Her owner, Klara, had to literally pry her off the ground to pose for this photo....but Dita's eyes haven't left the squirrel....


Luis Gomez said...

Great portrait!

Olivier said...

un sourire, ca fait du bien (il semble qu'il devait faire froid)

Gaelyn said...

Having a dog in public can open up a conversation.

Daryl said...

Love that photo .. Klara's hair color reminds me of my late mother's ..

Alexa said...

Klara looks very sweet. And Dita certainly has no problem focusing on one thing at a time!


 I have seen this woman frequently in different seasons, seated in the same place near a large open market. She doesn't seem to be askin...