Monday, February 20, 2012

Singing his heart out

It was cold, cold, cold a couple of weeks ago before our major snowstorm as I walked by these gentlemen, one playing his accordion and the other singing really, really well in a deep baritone voice. I've made two copies of this photo for them and hope they'll be there again.


Olivier said...

j'espere que la musique rechauffe les coeurs

Bob Crowe said...

The accordionist looks so sad. I see he's taken care to cover his, um, seat.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I love it Bibi, the accordionist looks so earnest, I bet these two are mates from way back!

Thérèse said...

It is just nice to be two when performing in the street.

Gaelyn said...

Sometimes, street musicians are the best.

Zivota said...

I passed by them 3 minutes ago - so they're still pretty active! :) I love the, and there's a third gentleman who sometimes plays the accordion instead of this one.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Wonderful portrait and I have always found that strangers appreciate the effort and time you take to deliver a shot like this. Let us know!


Luis Gomez said...

Wonderful shot Bibi.

Lowell said...

This is a superb photograph. It looks too cold to play and sing, though...and the accordionist is about to cry but it could be a very sad song! What fun!

TheChieftess said...

What a wonderful photo Bibi!!! So glad you made copies for them! They must be dedicated musicians to be out there in that cold!!!

Daryl said...

Fabulous shot, Pat, you take the best people pix


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