Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Look both ways.

Not easy for old people around town, but the city is slowly adding sloped sidewalks for easier ascent/descent of wheelchairs and carts. This elderly lady never looked right or left as she crossed the street and despite a bus's (after this one) loud honking.

She seems to have a load of firewood in her little cart. Again, this photo was taken before our big snow. I'm sure her firewood came in handy.


Luis Gomez said...

These are very helpful.

Olivier said...

un bus, donation du Japon ;). Un bel instantané de la vie

Lowell said...

I'd say that the lady ought to be more careful as it appears the bus has hit a couple of things already--hopefully none of them human!

I enjoy your slice-of-life shots very much!

Thérèse said...

So well spotted Bibi with the bus...

Louis la Vache said...

On a separate subject, watch for Gladys on Thursday and Miss Piggy the following Thursday...

Rajesh said...

Great shot. That is very considerate.

Daryl said...

I just love your on the street snaps of regular people out & about

dianasfaria.com said...

I imagine it takes all of her energy just to keep moving-which I give her credit for at her stage in life!

Chrissy Brand said...

Wonderful capture and a striking blog.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.