Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sunday Bridges--I'm happy.

Fate has smiled on me. I am always looking for a bridge for Louis La Vache's SUNDAY BRIDGES, and am often at a loss. Yesterday however, I came across an exhibit of Belgrade's Bridges on Knez Mihailova street, and in the upcoming weeks, if I don't get a photo of a 'real' bridge, you'll be treated to the history of some of Belgrade's bridges, such as these on the poster above.


Luis Gomez said...

Excellent Bibi!

Louis la Vache said...

Bibi, «Louis» is fresh in from Stanford University Hospital where he got a new knee He linked you then "CRASHED!"

Maude Lynn said...

Very cool!

Jim said...

Great post.

genie said...

You get the blue ribbon for ingenuity and cleverness this week. A Great Post. Where there is a will, there is a way! genie

Andy said...

I wish I had thought of this. I have temporarily run out of bridge photos. I have just got to ask you what is the lush shop I see it in the background? I always thought a lush was a person who drinks alcohol to excess.

Pat said...

Hi, Andy! Couldn't find an email link for you to reply to your comment on my blog today regarding Lush. Lush is a company that makes handmade beauty products, worldwide, and you can read about them right here.

Nobody's inebriated inside, I hope!

Lowell said...

There are many cool bridges in Belgrade, but the number is finite, I'm we'll enjoy your historical posters..

I'm a bit curious about the shop in the background. Is it only for "lushes" or can anyone shop there? :-)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

What a very clever and inventive idea Bibi, the bridge on the poster looks like it would be quite something to see. We have a Lush shop here in Perth, great place to buy presents, the soaps look and smell good enough to eat!

Tamera said...

Inspiring AND handy! Lucky you for finding it!

TheChieftess said...

Ha!!! You lucky girl you!!! Not many bridges up here shot today's a repeat of the same bridge I've shot many times before!!!

James said...

Wow, destroyed in 1914, 1918, 1941, 1944!!

Alexa said...

What Genie said—but you often deserve the ingenuity award on this meme.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.