Saturday, January 21, 2012


These brightly-colored cupcakes have appeared in a local bakery chain's windows for a couple of weeks now. You can see the sign written in the Cyrillic alphabet that advertises them as "kap kejks", which is the phonetic transcription of 'cupcakes.'

The Serbian dinar is now worth, as of the writing, around 80 dinars to one American dollar. Still a better price than some upscale cupcakes in the US that go for around $5.00.

Which one would you pick?

See more reflections at James' WEEKEND REFLECTION.


Kim, USA said...

That is for sure yummy. And love the colors.


Luis Gomez said...

You are so right about the prices!

Lowell said...

They are colorful but I'm not a cupcake fan...I'd opt for another kind of pastry...something with chocolate and cream filling... :-)

Dolce Fooda said...

I knew they were going to be popular in Serbia. The cupcakes and muffins are so popular on my food blog in Serbian. People love them because they are easy to make and great for decoration. However, so much color make them not to look edible. And, they are pricy too, I mean for people in Serbia.

Tash said...

Very pretty! I would have puzzled over the KAP KEJKS for a long time if you didn't explain it. Forgot that some words just have to be said out loud. So funny.
I'd go for everything on the shelf below. YUM.

Gaelyn said...

Makes for a bright and cheery window display, but seems a bit much for a cupcake. Maybe I don't buy baked goods very often.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Definitely a white one, and maybe a red..also the green look delish, I might have to sample a couple Bibi!! They make a great image!

J e l e n a said...

I am all for cup cakes selling in our pastry shops but I am very sad that Vanilice and all of the traditional Serbian sweet pastries can hardly be found any more. There use to be a time when you got a doughnut free on the table when you sat to have your coffee or ratluk- Turkish delight.

Pat said...

Jelena: I know. I was just talking about this with a friend the other day. We were at Hotel Moskva and got a small cake with our coffee. I can't remember the last time I had a Turkish delight with my coffee in a restaurant, or coffee served in a dzezva typical little coffee 'pot' like you can see here either, for that matter. There still are some good, typical bakers out there. I'm not a cake eater, but do appreciate photographing them!

Emm said...

I would definitely pick the red one closer to the back with the ladybird on. I'm pretty proud that I read "kap kejk" correctly. Just as well - I have been advised my Serbian lessons are beginning again next weekend!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

they all look good to me!

Mili Walker Photography said...

And I'm Serbian living in USA for the last year:-) I miss my Belgrade so much! So happy to found this blog!



 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.