Wednesday, February 1, 2012

THEME DAY/ABC WEDNESDAY: Animals and "C" is for "Cat"

A double-header here for ABC WEDNESDAY (C is for Cat) and for Theme Day (animals), so you can Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


VioletSky said...

Good one!

Lowell said...

What a sweetie and it's got its cat eyes on you! We had a cat a long time ago that looked very similar to this one!

Olivier said...

Big Brother te regarde ;o))

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Beautiful shot under the careful watch of this cat... I think that window ledges were made just for their perching!


Roger Owen Green said...

that's one cool cat!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Gaelyn said...

And don't forget about the Coleus.

Jim said...

Great capture.

photowannabe said...

I like everything about this photo. It has real personality, from the weathered window frame to the lovely curtains.
Great composition with the cat.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Very cute cat!

Chubskulit, ABC Wednesday Team.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

I knew someone clever would do both memes. Sweet shot.

Leslie: said...

Love the photo - it looks so homey!

abcw team

Jilly said...

Love the composition. You tell a story beyond the cat.

TheChieftess said...

Sweet photo!!!

Unknown said...

Nice !! Like this post

PhenoMenon, ABCW Team

SRQ said...

What a terrific capture. Really nice.

Judy Williams said...

Perfectly composed. Not only the photo, but that kitty. LOL You can't go wrong with a cat (or dog) in a shot.

Annie said...

What a beautiful kitty. Looks so lovely in front of the lace.

Janet said...

That's a beautiful feline portrait.

Daryl said...

Oh so sweet .. I am so dense, I forgot it was theme day!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

That's a very intense stare you're getting there Bibi, lovely shot.. btw you should watch the little video, it's just the rescue team at work, there's no burnt koalas. They're so good those guys.

Valladolid Daily Photo said...

It seems to be jumping from one moment to another.

Anonymous said...

Melanie said...

Nicely composed. Love the textures and colors!

Here from ABC Wed.

brattcat said...

love everything about this.

Tash said...

Super neat scene...with cat ^o^.
Who could ask for anything more?


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.