Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose

"Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose (The more things change, the more they stay the same)" could perhaps be applied to Belgrade's new "Bus Plus" system, but we'll see.

Most people I've talked to think so. If you're a regular bus user, you have to get a special card with your photo on it, pay a monthly amount, then scan it inside the bus. You can enter from any door.

For people like me, who use the bus once in a blue moon, you can buy a rechargeable card that you scan in the bus, or else buy a ticket from the driver (you used to be able to buy a ticket at a newsstand), then punch it in the little yellow machine you see above. I think the 'entering by the front door and buying a ticket' part is going to slow things down...

And ticket controllers will still be around to check both your pass and individual ticket.

Let's see if this system is an improvement in itself, or if it will need some changes.


Olivier said...

c'est bien et tres moderne

Luis Gomez said...

Hopefully it will work. In here you have to scan the card at the front door or pay with coins or bills that go to a machine. Most people use cards.

J e l e n a said...

Bibi if you are buying a ticket from a driver no need to punch it since he prints it out, but it costs twice as much 120 dinars.

Pat said...

Thanks, Jelena. Yes, I know that part forgot to write, but I meant I think that will slow things down. I was under the impression you still had to punch the ticket. Anyway, maybe most people will have cards.

Anonymous said...

I liked my oyster card in London - very convenient so I'm looking forward to using this pass in BG

Lowell said...

Heh, heh. Looks like the bureaucrats are at work in Belgrade. Someone woke up one morning and said to himself or herself, "Let's really screw up the bus system." And himself or herself said, "OK, I'll get started today."

And here you are. No more tickets at newstands and people will be waiting in line to enter the front door and buy a ticket and the get hassled by "ticket controllers."

Meanwhile, have a nice day! :-)))

Daryl said...

We use the MetroCard here on buses and subways .. buying a card (refillable for a whole year) at the subway station where machines to dispense them are located .. I cant imagine waiting, queued up for a bus in the cold and then waiting as someone fumbles for $$ to pay for the card ... that would be even more annoying than the people here who wait queued up for a bus and then when they are stepping up, entering they are NOW FIRST looking for their MetroCard!!!!!! Makes me crazy ..

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I think we have something here called a 'multi rider' Aimee has one that she uses when she doesn't feel like driving into work. But I don't use the train (and never a bus) to warrant one, so I just buy a ticket at the station. Hope the new system proves efficient Bibi.

Alexa said...

I feel Daryl's frustration with New Yorkers who aren't prepared. Do you have to have exact change for the Belgrade bus drivers? Here you do, if you're not using a MetroCard, and it must be coins too.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.