Swans may be pretty, but I don't like to get close, since they can be very territorial and aggressive. This is an archived photo of two summers ago when I visited a town in Bosnia. Was walking Bibi on a leash and this swan spotted us from waaaaay on the other side of the lake and paddled over, honking warnings. I picked up Bibi and away we went. Swan emerged from the lake, batting its wings menacingly, still honking.
I think swans were table fare in the Middle Ages....
See other reflections at James'
I've not been chased by a swan but you are right - they can be nasty! Geese have chased me and nipped me, though. They can be nasty, too!
We've had a lot of coyotes in our community of late. You'd want to keep Bibi locked up!
Very pretty!
it's certainly steaming straight for you...lovely shot
I love these colors, and I will also give these guys their space.
Happy Saturday.
The best Blog...beautiful picture..nice ,Welcome Joing my blog by Friend Connect...Thanks so much
Lovely photo. Swans look so graceful but obviously can be aggressive too! This swan looks like it's on a mission.
Wonderful shot!!! Love the colors reflected in the water...and the swan is beautiful...Who would think a bird so beautiful could be so nasty???
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