Wednesday, March 28, 2012

ABC WEDNESDAY--'K' is for 'kickin' it.'

We've had warm weather a bit and as soon as the temperatures rise, the people are in the park.... Each to his own preferred activity: Kickin' it like the man on the bench, or simply reading like the man in the background. I guess he's kickin' it in his own way.

See other K's at ABC WEDNESDAY.


MaR said...

Wonderful capture for K!

k is for...

MaR said...

Wonderful capture for K!

k is for...

Scriptor Senex said...

It seems everyone has had this beautiful weather this week. Hasn't it been lovely. And a clever interopretation of K!

Leslie: said...

What a KOOL take on our K week! I hope you're making sure you have some "KICKIN'" time!

abcw team

Luis Gomez said...

Wonderful capture, great shot!

Olivier said...

une petite sieste au soleil, ce mr a bien raison et cela donne envie ;))

Roger Owen Green said...

it WAS nice last week.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Gaelyn said...

Love your imagination and stealth.

Thérèse said...

A very positive attitude! ;-)

Greensboro Daily Photo said...

This would be a great language lesson for your students!

Daryl said...

we went from spring to winter back to spring several times since Friday ..

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Now that's my kind of 'kickin' it', excellent candid shots Bibi.

Pat said...

Hi, Grace.
They are handmade and so are the really expensive ones on the link. The latter cost more because they are made locally from Icelandic wool, which is better quality. The 'street' ones are warm and real wool, of course.

Alexa said...

As Daryl said, we're waiting for spring to make up its mind and stick around. Meanwhile, both of these guys have the right idea! BTW, thanks for doing my job for me today. :~}

Lowell said...

Well, this fellow laying on the bench doesn't look all that comfortable to me but perhaps he's really tired. Nice to have such a beautiful day.

You can't send books via surface mail? Why is that?


 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!