Tuesday, March 27, 2012

One last stab

From early fall to late spring and sometimes like now a bit beyond, villagers come to Belgrade to sell wool sweaters, socks, and caps. They're wonderfully warm, and generally not so expensive. They make great souvenirs. This man is trying one last time, or so I imagine, to sell his wares rather than keep them for next year.

The town of Sirogojno (SEE-ro-goy-no) is famous for its fabulous sweaters. Unlike this man's, they're quite pricey, but just about everyone I know who lives here for a while has splurged on one, this writer included. Here's a link.


Olivier said...

une facon de pouvoir vivre en vendant ces vetements chauds. Et en plus il doit faire tres froid en hiver

Luis Gomez said...

They look very nice and warm Bibi.

Gaelyn said...

Nice warm items. I'd definitely support this by making multiple purchases I'm sure.

Juliette said...

Clicked on your link and discovered some magnificent sweaters! Beautiful creations!!

TheChieftess said...

They definitely look like warm sweaters Bibi!!!

Rajesh said...

That is great looking woolen item.

brattcat said...

I would gladly have purchased one from him.

Lowell said...

Whatever he's holding, I love the look of them and would buy them in an instant! Can't get that kind of quality in a store! Very nice portrait!

Thérèse said...

The Sirogojno landscapes creations are wonderful... I did not look at the price though. It made me think about one of your past posts showing a woman's coat with one of the four seasons showing on her back.
Hoping this man sold the two he is showing...

Daryl said...

Oh I like those ..

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I would have bought the one on the left for sure Bibi, I'm guessing they're not hand made, or are they?

Susan Moorhead said...

I want the gray one:)

Louis la Vache said...

«Louis» hopes this seller was successful!

Knez011 said...

Bibi, out of curiosity, did you take this picture at the Republic square?

Pat said...

Hi, Knez. Yes, this man was at Trg Republike crossing toward Jugoexport.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.