Monday, March 5, 2012

"Face to Face"

Here are four young people who are selling Liceulice, a street newspaper dedicated to the "destigmatization of miniority groups". Each issue costs 100 dinars (just over a dollar) and half of that money goes to the seller. If you'd like to read more about Liceulice (Face-to-face), you can do so right here, but only if you can read Serbian.

P.S. The word 'lice' (face) in title of this magazine, if you look at its cover, is face-to-face. Liceulice could also be a play on words, i.e. "Face of the street" = "lice ulice."


Olivier said...

on a en France, ce type de journaux de rues, mais c'est vendu par des SDF et la moitie des ventes leur reviennent. c'est une tres bonne idee

Luis Gomez said...

Sounds like a good reading. Nice shot Bibi.

Thérèse said...

Excellent support here!
Not an easy thing to promote but so much worth the try... Wishing them well.

Tash said...

What a clever title! I like your photo of the group. The young women could be twins.

Daryl said...

nice shot

Lowell said...

Face-to-face and cheek-to-cheek! I'll all for "destigmatization of minority groups"! Cute kids.

The new site is up and working and we'll be posting on our blogs at that site from now on. Come see!

Mandy said...

Heh. I read that as "lease-oo-lease" until I remembered my pronunciation! Thank goodness for Google Translate. I did know know about the Roma plight in Hungary but now read about it. I would like to see that film they are talking about on the liceulice site.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.