Last week I went to see a showing of
Miss Representation, a documentary film shown courtesy of the American Corner here in Belgrade and followed by a panel/audience discussion. This film deals with how women are portrayed in the media....and readers, it's getting worse, not better. I highly recommend this documentary if it is shown in your area. If you click on the above link, you'll see that you can even arrange for a showing in your area.
la publicite est vraiment tres bien faite
I would like to see that!
Does feel like women are being drug back in time.
Very interesting and a catchy poster... would like to see this shown where I live.
It's even shown in school programs which seems wonderful.The ad is striking so let's hope it will bring more awareness and action.
Hmmm, you are the second person to recommend that I watch this. I guess I'd better make an effort. I like this photo. I often attend events and it is hard to photograph films or event plays in low light. I like that this photograph represents the event so well and allows you to speak further about the subject matter.
«Louis» notices "Rosie the Riveter" on the cover...If you come to CA this summer, he'll show you the "Rosie the Riveter" Park on the Richmond waterfront. The Kaiser Shipyards mass produced Liberty and Victory ships here and the inspiration for "Rosie" came out of this.
Here in this country two of the three Republican contenders for their party's nomination to run for President are proudly uber conservative and one of their objectives is to take back many of the rights women have fought for ...
I have heard of this and understand it to be highly regarded among people that I respect. Hopefully, your post will help publicize the cause!
As you probably know, women in the USA are taking a beating this election cycle. A representative in the Georgia legislature has proposed a bill requiring a woman carry a still-born to term, just, he says like a cow or pig would do. The situation is not good at all!
Thanks for this. I hadn't heard. There's been a bit of kerfuffle here in the States over a certain radio personality's comments about a law student's testimony at a Congressional hearing. I do think we're going backwards.
It sounds like something everyone should see Bibi, we can't have Emily Pankhurst turning in her grave after everything she fought for!
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