Wednesday, April 25, 2012

ABC WEDNESDAY "O" is for "Only myself"

"Volim samo sebe" means "I love only myself."  Someone also used quite a bit of Wite-out on this sidewalk.

See other O's at ABC WEDNESDAY.


Luis Gomez said...

That is a lot of writing with a white out.

Anonymous said...

and the little brush...oh my!!


Olivier said...

il s'aime et c'est le plus important ;)

Leslie: said...

As someone said way back, you have to love yourself in order to love others, but to ONLY love oneself? Hmmm...I wonder.

abcw team

Ania said...

Everyone has those days ;)

Hildred said...

The illusion of central position personified in white out! Poignant.

Lowell said...

Well, I remember a biblical comment about loving one's neighbor as oneself, so I guess you'd better love yourself. But not "only" yourself! :-) There's the kicker!

TheChieftess said...

it appears the statement is true...if he/she love others, he/she might not have written this on the sidewalk!!!

Roger Owen Green said...

self-love is good
selfish, not so much
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Chubskulit Rose said...

Such a bold statement!
O is for....
Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

Anonymous said...

This is the name of very popular Croatian punk-rock song back in the 80's.

Jeannette StG said...

I hear the voice of narcissism!

Alexa said...

I like this guy's attitude—I wonder if he owns stock in Wite-Out. :~}

Emy said...

Nice :) And it's also a phrase from a song.. :)

Daryl said...

another great street capture .. and people say I have unlimited photo ops here in NYC .. you prove those daily photo ops are everywhere if you have your eyes open and a camera in hand

Thérèse said...

Perhaps a good way to reflect on the thought...


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.