Thursday, April 26, 2012

Things go better with Coke Part II

I planned on posting this photo to follow up this recent post,, but it was only after I looked more closely at this photo of this snazzy Schnauzer that I realized this isn't a Coke bottle...  Well, things go better for dogs with empty plastic bottles.


Olivier said...

Un chien chasseur de Coca , le monde change ;))

Luis Gomez said...


Alexa said...

Cute! You've made me remember that I know this snappy slogan in several languages (the power of advertising!).

Gaelyn said...

I like a dog trained to pick up litter.

brattcat said...

it would have worked for me, i wouldn't have known it wasn't a coke bottle.

Daryl said...

wonderful capture

Lowell said...

Snazzy Schnauzer is right! What a cutie. So what's going on here? Is he bringing you the bottle or is this his own little treasure?

Erica Kanters said...

Sweet dog! He's cleaning after us people...

Thérèse said...

Well trained anyway!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.