Monday, April 16, 2012

Tiny socks

Even tiny socks seem to get lost in the wash. Only two matching pairs here. I know mine do...there is a gnome in my washing machine, I am sure.


Olivier said...

c'est mignon, et puis avec les branches en dessous, on pourrait croire voir un nid

TheChieftess said...

I think there's a vortex in all dryers that eats socks...
I know I have one in mine!!!

Gaelyn said...

The machine was built to steal one sock per wash. ;)

Luis Gomez said...

This is so sweet!

Lowell said...

Somewhere in the middle of the earth is a huge sock repository. It seems every washing machine does the same thing - sorts and loses one or more sock of every pair in every wash.

I don't get it. Maybe that's where the phrase comes, "Sock it to me"?

Alexa said...

My first reaction: Aaawww! My second: This is why most of my socks are the same kind and the same color (black, of course)

TheChieftess said...

Extra!! Extra!!! Read all about it!!! TheChieftess' dryer just ate a pillowcase!!!

Thérèse said...

Un blog pour "chaussettes perdues' serait bien accueilli!

Gunn said...

nice image:)

Daryl said...

More Socks
by Jules Feiffer

I go to the laundromat to do a wash. Included in the wash are 8 pairs of socks.
Out of the wash come 6 pairs of socks plus 1 grey sock and 1 blue sock.
A week later I go to the laundromat to do a wash. Included in the wash are 6 pairs of socks.
Out of the wash come 4 pairs of socks plus 1 black sock and 1 green sock.
A week later I go to the laundromat to do a wash. Included in the wash are 4 pairs of socks.
Out of the wash come 2 pairs of socks. The other socks never show up.
The next day I go to the laundromat. As an experiment I put in nothing but my last 2 pairs of socks.
Out of the wash comes a body stocking. In the body stocking I find a note.
The note says: "Quit trifling with the laws of nature and bring the machine more socks."

Anonymous said...

What happens to the things you put in the washer because they sometimes come out different from those put in? Strange. I like the vine in this picture too and imagine it is some kind of flower when it is in bloom. it must be lovely.

Mandy said...

Oh, so sweet!! I love the idea of gnomes in your washing machine. My gnomes occasionally return that which they borrow.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

And in mine for sure also Bibi, love this image.

Andrea said...

Too Cute...........


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.