Wednesday, May 2, 2012

ABC WEDNESDAY - "P" is for "packaging"

This is a bar of children's or baby soap. I bought these as small presents for people years ago when I first visited what was then Yugoslavia, thinking I'd never return.  The packaging hasn't changed one bit.

See other P's at ABC WEDNESDAY.


maxi said...

The best soap. The smell of it is screaming "Childhood!!".

J e l e n a said...

The best soap ever recommended by pediatricians. I still use it!

Luis Gomez said...

This is so cool Bibi!

Ann said...

Well this packaging so so "cute". Great P word.

Olivier said...

inconnu comme marque, mais j'aime bien ce package vintage

Lady In Read said...

it looks so cute.. and based on the comments, would love to get some for myself a few of these bars..

Lowell said...

It's very nice. And isn't it also nice to have something that hasn't changed in the midst of constant change?

Kim, USA said...

Don't see packaging like this anymore. Good thing you have found this very pretty.


Gaelyn said...

Love that little gal in the tub.

Juliette said...

Delightful !

Roger Owen Green said...

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

J e l e n a said...

Bibi, Pavlovićeva mast, now that is a classic that non of us have gone without in this country. I do not know if you have the picture but it sure is a classic, since 1947 made by a pediatrician after WWII. Mothers still use it.

Thérèse said...

... and they are probably very good soaps too...

Andy said...

The art work on the package looks like something from the 1940s.

MaR said...

Lovely packaging, gotta love a good bar of soap :)

P is for...

brattcat said...

and why should it's perfect as it is.

Daryl said...

if it ain't broken ...

Tash said...

OH, talk about a walk down memory lane! I loved this soap as a kid and loved the picture too.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.