Thursday, May 3, 2012

This fellow's all for Serbia, as his bag says (in Cyrillic) and as shown by his šajkača (shy-KAHT-cha), the typical Serbian hat.

All he's missing is the national shoes called "opanci" (O-PAHNT-see). See what they look like right here.


Luis Gomez said...

Very nice!

Olivier said...

un temps d’hésitation, bien vu

Tash said...

A folk-hipster! Super cool perspective for the shot too.
I wish I listened to my grandma when she wanted me to buy "opanke".
I do have a few little key-chain size and pin-cushin ones though.

TheChieftess said...

Love this photo!!! The angle makes it unique!!! And the red makes it pop!!!

J e l e n a said...

In Laguna you can buy a fridge magnet with a tiny little opanak and licider heart on it. Great for gifts. I believe this man is standing in the beginning of Knez and promoting the city.

WieczneBG said...

There is one old guy in Zemun I see quite often especially when I take a bus to get to city centre. He smiles to me all the time try to chat but my Srpski is not good to understand his (or because he has no teeth!) He's old and wears this hat and shoes all the time. He makes me smile (not laugh) all the time. These old-fasion style hats are very popular here in Zemun. I guess everything is old-fashion in Zemun!

Daryl said...

you take some of the best on the street photos ever!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.